YOUTH Achievement Awards
Youth achievement awards are given to young people who demonstrate success, at school, at home, or in the community. These awards are used to provide young people with basic needs and access to programs and services that are out of reach for their families.
What students are eligible?
Low-income school-aged children who are succeeding at home, at school and/or in the community are eligible.
Who can nominate? Anyone can nominate deserving children who have been working towards achieving their goals despite overwhelming obstacles. We verify the application with guidance counselors or social workers.
How much money is available for each child?
The awards average about $100, but up to $250 is available per child. Recipients can also reapply. Students may be nominated more than once.
Can the nominator suggest an appropriate award?
Yes. Rubin for Kids encourages you to do so and to be creative! The nominator is often the best judge of what would benefit the recipient most.
Is there a deadline for applications?
Applications for Youth Achievement Awards are accepted on an ongoing basis. If nominating a child, you should indicate whether a timeline must be met and Rubin for Kids will try to process the application to meet your needs.
When will applicants be notified of a decision?
Applicants will be notified within several weeks of submitting the nomination. Awards are given throughout the year.
Who presents the award?
A letter is sent to the nominator, and the nominator distributes the award to the recipient. Rubin for Kids only sends checks to school personnel or a receiving organization.
How can I nominate a child?
Simply click here to access our online nomination form.